The Features You Need

Across Thousands of Institutions, Millions of Students, and Decades of Development, WCONLINE provides the robust feature set that you need and the ease-of-use you expect.
The WCONLINE calendar view with a mobile synchronous meeting.

Intuitive, User-Friendly, Robust, and Secure

WCONLINE is a responsive, mobile-first, and completely accessible web application accessed through a URL or web address unique to your center. Since WCONLINE runs on our servers, all system upgrades—including the addition of new features and updates—are installed automatically, without any additional costs, and without the need for any outside I.T. support. Unlimited support is also always included.
We've spent more than twenty-five years listening to thousands of clients across all types of public and private academic support centers. Those conversations have informed the ongoing development of the most user-friendly, intuitive, and time-saving scheduling, recordkeeping, and reporting system on the market. The program’s extensive features and commitments to usability and security mean that the product is the center management solution for all academic support centers.
  • SmartCards Appointment Searches: Clients quickly drill-down through lists of subject areas, classes, locations, available meeting times, and available meeting types to find the appointment that best meets their needs. While all of WCONLINE is designed to meet the needs of clients using mobile or accessibility devices and programs, the SmartCards interface also provides true, text-only access to the program. Clients and administrators can also use a traditional calendar display to see one-week overview with color-coded available times and occupied appointment spaces, and may switch between the displays instantly anytime, with no need to select a mobile version or download an app.
  • Online Meeting Spaces and Document Review Sessions: The included synchronous Online Consultation Module allows clients and staff to meet online using video, audio, and text chat, screensharing, math and drawing tools, and a collaborative whiteboard. Integration tools also allow for that module to be easy replaced with Zoom. For asynchronous appointments, clients and administrators can upload and share documents through the system, allowing staff to provide feedback remotely. These meetings can take advantage of "slot" or "period" scheduling, which allows for appointments to be made for an available slot rather than an available time.
  • Customizable Demographic, Appointment, Post-Session, and Survey Forms: Administrators define the questions and answer types allowed on all forms, and can set up different questions for different schedules. WCONLINE supports optional or required fill-in, large fill-in, checkbox, multiple checkbox, drop-down, and Likert answers. Optional single-sign-on integration not only allows clients to log in with institutional credentials, but also allows registration and appointment form data to be replaced with live data from an institution's data warehouse.
  • Graphical and Exportable Reports: All data collected in WCONLINE is immediately available to administrators within the included reports. The System Statistics report provides graphs, percentages, and counts of all countable data. The System Utilization report enables administrators to make quick staffing decisions based on a center's demand, utilized or filled time, and open time. Additionally, the Master Listings Report provides text-based access to all datasets within the program, and all of those datasets are instantly exportable as spreadsheets. Data can also be exported, via the included System Data Export to Excel, and accessed via the included API, allowing easy integration with existing websites and client management systems. Both export options include ranges of data that can be selected quickly and custom options that can be set up in one step.
  • Multiple Communication and Tracking Tools: Administrators can easily communicate with clients using announcements, individual center-to-client emails, and mass emails. A built-in early alert and flagging system allows other interested parties, such as advisors, to be notified of a client's work at the center.
  • Scheduling Restrictions: Clients can be limited to a specific number of appointments per day, per week, per month, or across the entire schedule. Other optional limits define when appointments can be made, how many appointments clients have pre-paid, and the number of active appointments allowed. Additionally and after customizable warnings, a client's ability to make appointments can be removed based on a defined number of accrued no-shows and late cancelations.
  • Appointment Confirmation Messaging: Clients and staff can receive customized appointment confirmation messages via email or text when an appointment is made, modified, or canceled. Reminders ensure that clients remember their appointments (or have the opportunity to cancel as needed). Clients will also receive waiting list emails and texts whenever an appointment opens for a time, resource, or focus that they need.
  • Group, Walk-In, Waiting Room, and Tentative Appointment Management: Multiple clients can sign up for a single appointment slot (as might be needed for group, workshop, or event scheduling). Clients can also sign up for walk-in slots only at the current time, allowing walk-in or drop-in centers to manage their availability and get the records that they need. The included "waiting room" allows administrators to easily keep track of clients waiting for appointments. Appointments can also be set to be "tentative"--requiring administrative approval before being added permanently to the schedule.
  • Easy Multiple-Center Use, or Independence: With a license that includes any number of an institution’s centers on the same campus, comprehensive optional parameters on reports, and tools to allow or restrict staff access to setup, client reports, and even specific centers’ schedules and appointments, WCONLINE can easily be shared among multiple centers on campus. Or, with WCONLINE’s low price point, any one or more centers can choose to use their own entirely separate, private, and customizable site.
  • Lab Space, Center Resources, and Room Scheduling: While most centers use WCONLINE to schedule staff, the program is also designed to schedule any type of "resource"--from center resources like computers and books to lab and conference spaces.


Complete, Customized, and All-Inclusive for just $1,999 per year!